Women's Update October 2021

    Fellowship Sister,

    What's your favorite thing about Fall? I've recently been enjoying the cooler weather and the leaves crunching below my feet. For whatever reason, it's a refreshing sound to my ears!

    Recently, God has been reminding me to believe Him for the impossible. My prayers have echoed CeCe Winans lyrics:

    Move the immovable
    Break the unbreakable
    God, we believe
    God, we believe for it
    From the impossible
    We'll see a miracle
    God, we believe
    God, we believe for it.

    God is at work and still performs miracles. What in your life have you been holding on to? What have you not surrendered to the Lord? What will it take for you to give that circumstance or relationship to the Lord? Sister, Jesus delights in you--not just for salvation but in your everyday life. He sees you, He hears you, and He's with you. What does God want to do IN YOU in this season? My prayer is that you will cling to Him, surrender to Him, and believe Him for it.

    You are loved, sister. Walk in it!



    Prayer Requests: Please continue to be in prayer for women involved in our Two for Tuesday Bible study and our Moms Side by Ministry. That our sister's love for God will deepen as they grow in knowledge of Him.

    Also, be in prayer for our college women. Pray that God will use this season as one that will draw them closer to Himself. We will be mailing Care-Packages to them in a couple weeks! If you'd like to write a note of encouragement, prayer, or Bible verse--please drop it off at the office or at the Cafe' no later than Thursday, Oct. 7. You can also purchase items for them through our Amazon Wishlist.

    Karie Farley
    Women's Minister