Women's Update March 2021

    Fellowship Ladies,

    I hope this season has been one of tremendous growth as you lean into who God has called you to be. Can I just take a minute and remind you that you are His beloved and He delights in YOU?! Because it's true. When He looks at you, He is captured by you and all that you mean to Him. Sister, He adores you and when He looks at you, He knows you are "fearfully and wonderfully made." It's a truth we can know in our minds but oftentimes we forget in our hearts that God created a beautiful redemption plan to bring us back into relationship with Him--and that's exactly what we have--a relationship with the Most High King, who is also our friend and comforter. So if you're in a season of discouragement, know that God sees you as His beloved. Let courage allow you to walk boldly in who He says you are. You are breathtakingly beautiful, my sister!

    If you have never considered participating in a Women's Bible Study (or it's been a while since you have), let me urge you to consider participating in the study we will be offering on March 16 on the Study of Elijah. If you are a new disciple of Jesus or you've been following Him for some time, your life will be enriched as we explore the person of Elijah together. He was the voice of truth in a time of national crisis and moral decline, and He was marked as a man of bold faith. So invite a friend, register, grab a book, and and let's journey together!

    May God bless you and keep you, my sister and friend. Make today great!

    Karie Farley
    Women's Minister
