Women's Update June 2021

    Fellowship Sister,

    Can you believe we are in June already?! I cannot believe how quickly the last month has flown by, but here we are. I hope this season has been a refreshing season for you where you have had opportunities to catch your breath and soak in God's goodness.

    The last several weekends, my husband and I have spent time working on our yard and beautifying it (<--I think that is a word ;)). We also decided to plant a garden; so we will see how that goes! I am not sure if either one of us has a green thumb but we are going to take a go at it! At first, the process was not all that enjoyable but now that we can look back and see progress it is totally worth it. It's been a refreshing reminder of how God works in our lives. He has to remove the weeds and the things that are dead in us, to produce the fruit He wants us to bear!

    Next week we kick-off our Summer Nights event series! It's going to be a wonderful opportunity to gather together and be with one another. Man, I'm so pumped to see what God will do! Please continue to be in prayer that He will do what only He can do and be glorified in it.

    As you travel, explore, and go on vacation--may the Lord be at work in your life. He is for your good! May the Lord bless you and keep you, my sister!

    Karie Farley
    Women's Minister