Women's Update January 2022

    Fellowship Sister,

    Happy New Year! How was your Christmas and New Years? I hope it was a refreshing time for you and your loved ones. I spent time with my in-laws in Florida and had an enjoyable time with them and friends. A couple of our friends had enough patience to teach us pickleball. It was fun but I'd imagine it would be A LOT more fun if I knew what I was doing. ;)

    As we begin a New Year together, would you take a couple minutes to complete a brief survey? Whether you've been at Fellowship for some time or are new to Fellowship, we'd love to hear from you!

    This semester, we will have new and familiar opportunities for you to get connected in Women's Ministry. On Tuesday, January 18th we continue our Two for Tuesday Bible Study and Moms Side by Side Ministry. Would you prayerfully consider participating this semester with your fellow sisters?! We would LOVE to have you there!

    Two for Tuesday Bible Study
    On Tuesday, January 18 we will kick-off our spring Bible Study on the book of Colossians using Ruth Chou Simons book, Truthfilled. We hope you will consider joining us for either our 9:30AM session or our 7:00PM Session in just a couple weeks!

    Moms Side by Side
    On Tuesday, January 18 our Moms Side by Side ministry will continue on Tuesday's at 9:30AM. If you're a young mom and you're looking to get connected with other young moms and mentor moms, we'd love to have you register and join us on January 18.

    Beloved--Tuesday, Feb. 15
    Sister, the enemy tries to trap us into believing that our worth, love, and value is tied to a human relationship. In my own experience, the church has unintentionally echoed that. Whether you're single, widowed, divorced, or married--there's a place for you in the family of God to walk in your Beloved-ness. We hope to see you there on Tuesday, Feb. 15 at 7pm--make sure to register to reserve your spot!

    As we enter a New Year, my prayer is that we continue to grow as sisters in Christ encouraging one another and building each other up. May the Lord reveal more of Himself to you in new and meaningful ways. May this New Year, bring more hope, joy, love, and forgiveness as we live out the Great Commission, as sisters in Christ!


    Karie Farley
    Women's Minister