Women's Update January 2021

    Fellowship Women, 

    Happy New Year! A new year often brings a new energy and excitement for what's to come. The last couple of weeks I spent time reflecting on God's goodness from this past year and as I jotted down words in my gratitude journal; I was reminded of how He continues to bring beauty from ashes. Truth be told—I have no idea what kind of wild ride 2021 will look like but even when we can't see His Hand at work we can trust His Heart. 

    Next Tuesday, January 12 we kick-off our Two for Tuesday Bible Study series with Take Courage: A Study of Haggai by Jennifer Rothschild. We are offering our AM Study on-campus and our PM Study via Zoom as our phased-in approach to the on-campus gathering. If you're registering for our AM study, our safety protocols will be the same as our Sunday Morning Worship Experience. Childcare will also be available but please make sure to include that information on the registration form so our childcare team is prepped and ready to welcome your cute kiddo. Participants for both studies will be sent an email a couple of days beforehand to provide you with the most up-to-date information regarding your study. I think you'll really enjoy this study on Haggai as we live out our calling in the midst of opposition and learn what it means to truly take courage. Jennifer Rothschild is a gem as well. So go ahead and order the book and we look forward to seeing you there! 

    Our Two for Tuesday structure looks a little different this semester and I so wish it could fit into everyone's schedule and preferred meeting venue. We're trying our best to be wise in everything we do as we think about on-campus activity. We also want to provide at least one virtual option so that women could engage that way as well. Haggai is a 7-week study and then we'll take a two-week break before beginning another study. Our plan is to offer both studies in-person for the Elijah study in  March. This is our "plan" so you know where we're going this semester for Bible Studies and how you can prayerfully consider being involved! (I always feel the need to put the word plan in quotation marks because of what 2020 taught us. :) )

    We will continue to monitor our current on-campus programming and make changes as needed since activities are conditional, based on public health safety protocols and Fellowship policies. I invite you to continue to be in prayer for wisdom for our Staff, Leadership Team, and Elders as we seek to glorify God in all we do. 

    The last couple of days, the Lord continued to echo this verse in my spirit. 2 Chronicles 7:14 (ESV),  If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Let's walk through this year together—hand-in-hand as sisters in Christ. 

    You are loved. You are chosen. You are a daughter of the King. Take Courage! 


    Keep living for Jesus because your labor is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58).