Women's Update February 2022

    Fellowship Sister,

    I don't know about you but I can't believe we're in February already. How did that even happen?! My year didn't quite start out like I had hoped. I was under the weather for a couple of weeks and had some setbacks and disappointments. In my disappointment and discouragement, God reminded me that I'm NOT in control and that HE IS. He is sovereign and good and can be trusted with all of life. I needed that reminder!

    In a couple of weeks our Care Ministry will be kicking off another Regeneration group on Wednesday, Feb. 23. If you're interested in learning more about this gospel-focused ministry, let me encourage you to check it out! I graduated last Wednesday and I'm so thankful for the work God did in and through me. He desires to give us freedom in Christ so that we can walk in our new life. 

    Mid-terms will be right around the corner for our college women and we will be sending them care-packages again this semester. Because of your generosity in the fall, we have plenty of items to send to our college women so THANK YOU. You can participate by writing an encouragement/prayer note for us to include. You can drop off your note(s) beginning Sunday, Feb. 13 in  a basket that we will have labeled in the café! Thank you for serving and encouraging our women in this way. 

    To continue to be in prayer for what God is doing in Women's Ministry, keep scrolling for updates. :)

    Two for Tuesday Bible Study
    We are a few weeks into our Truthfilled study and it's been neat to hear women echo how its been the perfect study for this particular season in life. Don't you love when God does that?! Please be in prayer for the table leaders and participants as we all learn the importance of preaching God's truth to ourselves. We were reminded this week of the quote from A.W. Tozer that says, "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us." So sister, what do you think about God?

    Moms Side by Side
    Our Moms Side by Side ministry has been off to a fantastic start as we celebrate what God is doing in the lives' of our young women. He has brought new moms to the ministry this semester and it has been a joy to see them get connected with other moms and mentor as they live life alongside one another, encouraging and sharpening each other.

    We are looking for a woman who is passionate about hospitality to serve Tuesday mornings from around 8am-10:30am to do some set-up work for this ministry.  If you're interested or want to learn more about the opportunity, please email us at


    Sister, will you be praying for the women who will be attending Beloved in a couple of weeks?! We are expectant for what the Lord will do and how He will draw us closer to Himself as we walk in His love as His Beloved daughters.

    It's a joy to journey with you, my sisters!


    Karie Farley
    Women's Minister