Women's Update February 2021

    Fellowship Women, 

    Can you believe we're in February already?! I can't. January went by so quickly! I have to be honest that I'm still trying to get use to the colder weather here; how do you guys do it? A couple of weeks ago I went to a bonfire and it literally took me at least an hour to unthaw once I got home. (Go ahead...I give you permission to make fun of me.) I will tell you though that I love wearing boots and scarves!

    I hope that in whatever situation or circumstance you find yourself in you know and remember that He has a purpose and plan for it. Sometimes when we experience the valleys of life it feels hard to trust God when the plan that's unfolding is painful or unpleasant. But let me just tell you that the Lord is GOOD and gracious. He is for us and is with us whether we see His hand at work or not. Perhaps ask yourself these questions: what does God want to do through me in this season? How is this situation making me more like Jesus? How can I glorify Him in this situation? Do not grow weary, my sisters—He is with you.  

    Praying for and with you, Fellowship sisters!


    ...Now I think I'm going to go grab a hot chocolate and double-up on my socks. ;)

    The "good" He wants to produce in you is to make you more like Jesus. (Romans 8:28-29).