Women's Update August 2021

    Fellowship Sister,

    I can't believe how quickly the summer has flown by. Can you?! My prayer for you is that its been a refreshing time for your spirit. I've been trying to get outside as much as possible to soak in God's beautiful creation and that has deeply encouraged and deepened my walk with Him.

    I feel like I need to apologize up front though because this update is jam-packed full of lots of information. It's good stuff though--so keep scrolling!
    Last month we continued with our Summer Nights event series which was once again a special evening for the ladies in attendance. My favorite part of the evening was seeing other women intentionally encourage and pray for one another. That is what it's all about, right?! That as Fellowship Family--we can minister to one another as sisters in Christ. Our last Summer Nights event takes place next Thursday, August 12 at 6:30. Even if you're unable to attend, I'd like to invite you to participate by praying for the women in attendance. That God will do only what He can do and that He'll receive the glory for it. (If you're interested in registering, please scroll to the bottom of the page for more information).

    At the event, we shared that Women's Ministry is collecting Hygiene Kits in partnership with MUST Ministries from now until our next event on Thursday, August 12. You can participate by dropping off items at the church in the Café or bringing them with you on the 12th. To learn more about MUST Ministries, click here.

    Thank you in advance for your partnership and for making a difference in this way. It's a joy to be a part of the Fellowship Family! May the Lord continue to work in and through you as you seek Him with your whole heart! You are so loved. Praying for you, sister!


    Summer Nights--Thursday, August 12
    We hope to see YOU next Thursday at our last Summer Nights event. For this event, we will have a mix of interactive games, giveaways, and so much more! This last event will highlight our women's ministry fall programming and how you can be involved! Make sure to invite a friend and reserve your spot today!

    On September 14, we will be kicking off our Fall programming for Women's Ministry with our Moms Side by Side ministry and our Two for Tuesday Bible Study. These ministries are designed to deepen your walk with the Lord and with each other as we make disciples of Jesus.

    To hear more about these discipleship opportunities, make sure to attend our Summer Nights event on August 12. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and register in-person! We hope to see you there!

    If you're unable to attend, you can check our website to find out what we'll be offering!