Monthly Devotional - December 11, 2020

    Psalm 103: 1-5, 22 (New Living Translation)
    Let all that I am praise the Lord; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name. Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me. He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies. He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagles! Praise the Lord, everything he ahs created, everything in all his kingdom. Let all that I am praise the Lord. 

    Psalm 103
    —Donna Anello

    As we conclude the most challenging year many of us have experienced in our lifetimes, I reflect on the blessings of living another year on God’s green earth.  I marvel at His faithfulness and goodness toward those who believe on His name, His word, and His blood.  2020 has been the stuff of fantasy, horror, comedy, and political thriller movies all rolled into one year that we beckoned in with such hopeful anticipation.  I tend to be a glass half full person, so I continue to seek the wonder of God in all that has transpired, believing for better days to come.  I believe this is founded in the word of God and that humans were created to be hopeful, anticipating God’s next great move of love and compassion toward His precious creation.  We are the object of His desire: the ones whom He willingly sent His son to die a painful death for: the vessels He chose to fill with Himself in the form of the Holy Spirit.  He has put His heart in everything He creates.
    Let me direct your attention to the first few verses of Psalm 103.  The overarching thought that comes to mind is that we are to rise above the circumstances of life happening and bless the Lord from our inner most being.  He remains worthy and on His throne, large and in charge of the life of the believer.  Heaven and earth will pass away but His word, His plan, will never fade away.  Our focus needs to come from the inside out with arms raised in praise and surrender to the one and only King of Kings, Lord of the Universe. 
    Not only our hearts are to praise Him, but also our minds.  We are to recall all the blessings He has bestowed on us in His great mercy and compassion toward us.  His righteousness and His justice are to be revered and desired in our lives.  He is our Father in heaven who desires the very best for us.  His own son’s blood has redeemed us from the curse of the law paving a path straight to the heart of the Almighty for us.  There is no other method to be in reconciled unity with God except through the blood of Jesus that was shed for our redemption for our own sins, past, present, and those we have yet to commit.  Father God sees us cleansed in the blood of Jesus, worthy to be crowned in His presence.  We too, should attain to that same image of ourselves. 
    He fills our lives with goodness and opportunities to do good and make good choices and then blesses us with a youthful revival of energy, strength, wonder, and joy.  He heals us of the disease of our souls and bodies so we can be strong and healthy, satisfied with the rejuvenation of our lives and filled with a hope for a good future. 
    Everything a believer could desire and pray for is contained in Psalm 103.  Continue reading and meditating on this great psalm of David.  Soak in its promises and have your youth renewed like the eagles.  Allow yourself to soar above the earthly considerations.  Seek to occupy a higher plane for your soul.  Speak out loud declaring your praise for Him, receiving your redemption, and forgiveness.  Today is an authentic opportunity to move in the power of God.  I encourage you to step into the depth of Psalm 103 and live a strong, victorious, redeemed version of the life God has breathed into your lungs. 
    In the name of Jesus, I declare the heart of Almighty God beats inside my chest.  I am redeemed from the curse of the law to the blessing of Abraham.  The Lord has blessed me with the forgiveness of my sin, the renewing of my youth like the eagles, and the healing of every disease in my body and my mind.  I praise you Lord today and every day with a pure heart and clean hands because my hope and salvation are found in You alone.  May your gracious presence surround me today.  I love you, thank you, and praise you with all that I am.  You are my good Father.